Zodiac links
(The picture from Brad Brevet interview)
Few interesting links about The Zodiac Killer case.
Robert Graysmith interview - Brad Brevet
Crime Shadow File
Zodiac The Movie
Few interesting links about The Zodiac Killer case.
Robert Graysmith interview - Brad Brevet
Crime Shadow File
Zodiac The Movie
Paris Velib - One step closer to green
The photos are provided by the City Hall of Paris.
June is going to be big for Paris. La Fete du Velo (Bicycle Days) on 2nd and 3rd June, La fete de la musique the 21th., then there is the city Wifi going to launch on 15th. And the very convenience and very ecology city bike “Velib".
The Wifi in Paris will be accessible for all from 7 am. till 11 pm. in any public area such as park or library. And the Velib is a system of public bicycle cost as lowest as 27 euros a year, 1 euro per day or 5 euros per week, with unlimited use for 30 minutes each time. And there will be an extra charge when use over 30 minutes.
For all habitants and visitors in Paris. The two circles of the grass carpet tramway, the Velib and Wifi. In few more years. This very city is turning to be a park and hopefully traffic free in the center city.
中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
其實我從來不懂為什麼當初硬是要建這個紀念堂,不過1989年六四天安門的心心相連,文化交流的國家音樂和戲劇廳,是深深堪入人心的無法抹滅的歷史事實。 那天趁回台北緊湊的行程中,特別抽了一個小時去中正紀念堂拍照散步。解釋給我的老外老公聽,他也覺得不可思議,不懂為什麼好好的東西要改變。不懂在老外心中捍衛共黨體制的代表,會被這樣無知的報復。國際間,台灣代表的民主立場,如今成為空洞無根的幌子。其實,外省人也不見得挺蔣,但是他畢竟是讓我們無憂無慮,自由在台灣成長,以台灣為家的原因。現在,所謂的蔣獨裁者被所謂的陳獨裁者打壓。一位是讓台灣免於共產黨迫害的,一位是興起共產黨迫害危機的。哎!政治啊! 天下為公的路是越來越遠了嗎?
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