How can you not love the world of this man?!!
Every time the new Apple products released, I tell myself to be patient and wait to buy the 2nd generation, but very often I ended up to purchase them anyway. Actually I have my own idealized Apple products, and I can tell you that Steve Jobs is making them a little closer year by year. And hopefully I can live long enough to see all my imaginary products come true. Right forgot Jobs is much older than me.
Regardless the better and cheaper new iPod which plays movies and games, there is new nano took the appearance of the old mini, and the exciting tiny silver shuffle with clip. I guess all I whish for now is an flip iPod with bigger screen and combined with internet and phone with bluetooth ear-pod.
Of course the new iTune 7 has transformed from a simple music media player into a great toy of a real online media store, digital jukebox and free download albumart. But before a safer and more complete market really exist, we can only purchase the common media in the country where your account registred, which I found very inconvenience.
Yeah. Did I mention the iTV? Mr. Jobs is going to release a new wireless media box connect your flat TV screen to your computer and online iTune store. You can sit on your sofa with a remote to view every media from your computer and purchase from internet. And greatest thing is that the iTV box will realse in early 2007 with an afordable price of 299 USD (tax not included).
And I can't wait the system to replace all hard copy of CD and DVD, that we can finally get more free space and less packaging waste in our living environment. And maybe, we all going to consume all media via virtual system that no more illegal copies ruin our author right.
OK. Some people here might aware of future jobless situation if you earn your living with any products might disappear in the next few years. Now it's time for you to learn new tricks and find a new job.
Also if you haven't make out your mind for the Christmas present. Here is the link to see Steve Jobs' latest announcement video (if you have 30 minutes):
It's Showtime
And this is for Mr. Jobs or Apple engineers:
Where is the iTablet ?
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