I always though to smoke weeds in US is a crime unless you prove you need it to ease your pain and purchase legally in a pharmacy with a doctor prescription. And this fall, Showtime's popular family show Weeds is on its 2nd season and it's more popular than ever. Now Showtime pushes the anti-hero's button even farther then we can expect. Dexter, a day time blood stains forensic expert also a night time justice serial killer. The actor Six Feet Under gay brother, Michael C. Hall, the wonderful stunning performance that you once believed he was gay and now a psycho serial killer.
Since 3 episodes so far I was stunned by Dexter's world and the new experiment that Showtime makes all audiences swallow. Yes. You can freely choice not to participate this experiment or manipulation like refuse to watch any stupid reality shows. But it's hard to not to prove a slight pleasure when you see Michael C. Hall's Dexter's clever mind and self struggle without agreed with his philosophy. The show likes Psych on USA NetWork has flashback of character's youth to explain how Shawn Spencer grow to be a very good detective, here we see how Dexter Morgan became such a character with his very convincing evil double life. From Six Feet Under, Soprano, The Shield, Weeds and now Dexter, they personalized the so called weirdo and bad people which I guess they're trying to color the good and evil, happy ending cliche that US movies and TV brain washed the world since the past century.
Fortunately. Dexter didn't kill anyone in the 3rd episode, and it didn't gave up the know how to prepare a bloodless cut corp and packed them like meat from the market either. And even Dexter's god playing is hard to reproduce in real life, or find the similarity struggles in each one of us. But it's still hard to enjoy the show after the almost monthly school shooting and non stop street violence due to the gun control problem. We can maybe spend 90 minutes in a theater watching an action movie and call it a cool film and despite the free violence from some irresponsible filmmakers, or love and hate A Clockwork Orange and trying not to watch it again or skip the violent scene. But like some young men in the 1971, copied Alex's one eye makeup, cool style and even his violent acts. From the moment when Dexter found the Barbie message in his frizzer, the point we change side from witness Dexter's secret to feel exciting about the challenge when we see Dexter's reflection in the tiny pink mirror. That I'm sure the weekly show Dexter will affect more people into their life struggle and still naively hoping it won't inspire some might rules for real a double life to play god in the name of the justice.
I'd spent quite some time there in Miami scouting and making action movie which I'm familiar with Dexter's background landscape while watching him walks around at South Beach. The show recalled my everyday life in my past memory which I'm happy about it, and yes. I found pleasure in watching the show and I'll keep watching it or I might also write some sick scripts one day. The fact that show is a success since it aired just like the Weeds. Is because we believe the show has deeper message in it and the Showtime is a very courage and ambitious channel that we all happy its existence? Or is simply because the show digs right into the dark secret deep, deep inside of us?
Does the average audience able to make difference from the show to the real life? Is there an explanation for the execution of those peaceful Amish little girls? Or why the Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle we just saw he cleaning locker room few days ago, killed in a sudden death from plane crashed into a high rise building in Manhattan on 10.11 and make New Yorkers relive the 9.11 nightmare? Maybe we should all move to Des Moines in Iowa, where is supposedly "three years behind" everywhere else?
Darkly Dreaming Dexter - novel by Jeff Lindsay
See Dexter, Weeds links at the sidebar of the page.
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