The pretty little thing enlightening my winter

Cold and raining here, and all I have in my mind these days is to find a very frenchy large sweater dress for my closet collection before I heading back to NY.
Jet lag is extra difficult when the weather is bad. And that's exactly what I'm experiencing right now. After lazily chatting here and there online. I decided to take a small walk to gasp some air. Well. An excuse to browse some new collections in my area's fashion stores before they call off the week (most of the stores here are closed for sunday). I'm a fast walker but with my knee high boots and the wet marble street packed with fashionable people of the 2nd arrondissement. I had to slow down my pace and maintain my wave. 1, 2, 3... my usual stores browsed real fast and a new brand from Bretagne which replaced one of my favorite Jack Henry. Then couple more stores up and I decided to step in to "les petites" where always lots of items to browse and pick.
les petites' collection this winter do actually contented many thick sweaters in every corner of the store, but they're all short and bright. While I was browsing and browsing, I accidentally lay my eyes on a sales girl's sweater dress looks very close to what I craving for. And lucky me. They only got one black left.
Here I'm. Wearing my new sweater dress at home and turned of my heater. Another good excuse to worth the spent. : )
The definition of the president
The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. - The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams 1979
亂 - 陳雲林訪台
這次陳雲林訪台, 只能說是從頭到尾的亂。
政府的動機不明確, 在野黨無組織。
許多暴民夾雜在抗議示威群眾中, 煽動情緒。
警察責權不清, 鎮暴警察出動太晚, 而替代役男根本不該出現。
民主社會的民眾本來就有抗議示威的自由。 但是當情況失去控制時, 鎮暴警察也有遏止暴力的方法。 這都是正常的。
而不正常的是。 抗議示威含有個人政治利益的動機, 無組織的失控, 而造成刻意的衝突與暴力。
政府為了安全, 出動鎮暴警察。 但是。 沒有暴動, 他們也用不著無情得鎮暴。
所以人民有權力示威, 也該本分的守法。 政府與在野黨都應該健全, 任何事情依法處理。
不合時代情理的法律嚴審修改, 才是個正常的民主體制國家。
因為。 當國家不健全的時候, 就是外患侵入的最好時機。
街頭運動全世界都一樣。 有正當的訴求者, 也有混雜在其中的職業混混。
當政府不合理的時候, 有合法的管道和地方可以訴求。
大家在參與抗議示威的時候。 要注意身邊的人, 是否真的與你的理念相同? 是否有混在其中的暴力煽動者?
當群眾情緒被煽起暴力行為時。 冷靜的適可而止則是你我的責任。
雖然置身國外, 但是在國外台胞的心, 每天都繫在網路上, 看著台灣的新聞視頻。
無論在那裡, 無論我們的政治理念相同與否。 都無法接受暴力的抗爭, 與令人淌血的脫衣私刑畫面。
這種野蠻行為。 讓我們看到了人性的污點與文明的失敗。
回想起多年前大家攜手, 敲鑼打鼓的前往巴黎的中國使館前, 抗議他們在台海演習與試射飛彈。
寒冷的冬天, 溫暖的陽光, 每個人穿著大衣和戴著手套的喊著口號。
中國使館前的道路封住了。 ㄧ邊是管理交通的警察, ㄧ邊是全副武裝的鎮暴部隊。
法國特選高大壯碩的武警, 站在面前。帶著頭盔, 拿著盾牌。 與我們瘦弱的留學生形成強烈的對比。
我們喊著口號。 敲鑼打鼓的藝術家的手都磨破了, 喊口號的嗓子也都嘶啞了。
代表處派了人將抗議信函交給中國使館後, 回來向我們宣佈我們成功的傳遞了訊息。
我們又喊了一些口號, 中文、法文、英文都喊。 吸引了不少觀光客與巴黎市民的目光。
難得見面的大家和鎮暴部隊聊了起來, 還順便一起合照, 氣氛好得不得了。
代表處的人看看申請示威的時限快到了, 便謝謝大家的盡心盡力, 宣告抗議結束。
大家有說有笑的離開現場, 各自回家, 或相約喝咖啡吃飯。
這樣的示威遊行, 讓目的達到了, 讓世界聽到了我們的聲音, 看到了我們的民主自由, 也讓我們得到了尊重。
其實。 陳雲林的訪台來的太早。 但是在世界經濟危機的節骨眼下, 我們不得不讓他心痛的早產。
但這個難得讓全是界都看得到的機會。 因為政府準備不周, 並未先行讓人民有心裡準備, 而糟蹋了。
讓原本我們可以用我們的民主自由和善良的民族性來讓對岸知道, 人權的重要, 食品的把關, 和政治理念不同等議題。
但一切都因為國旗被撤, 和個人政治利益, 讓世界看到了少數野蠻暴民的形象。
國外媒體並非無知盲從。 他們是有兩岸專家和有特派記者可以分辨是非的。
然而 All things happened for a reason.
也許因此政府將有所改善, 也許因此我們將真的團結。
也許有一天, 兩岸會真的統一。 也許會永遠保持現狀。
但是唯有文明的程序, 才能讓世界正視我們, 讓一切理智的進行。
所以這不是互相指責的時候, 而是互相療傷的時候。
行政院前學生的靜坐, 不論帶頭教授們的政治理念與動機為何, 不論靜坐的學生是否有遭人煽動, 至少他們選擇了很理性的抗議方式。
不管是不是有政治動機的教授煽動, 但是學法學政的學生, 不循法律程序卻非法靜坐就是錯的。
政府的動機不明確, 在野黨無組織。
許多暴民夾雜在抗議示威群眾中, 煽動情緒。
警察責權不清, 鎮暴警察出動太晚, 而替代役男根本不該出現。
民主社會的民眾本來就有抗議示威的自由。 但是當情況失去控制時, 鎮暴警察也有遏止暴力的方法。 這都是正常的。
而不正常的是。 抗議示威含有個人政治利益的動機, 無組織的失控, 而造成刻意的衝突與暴力。
政府為了安全, 出動鎮暴警察。 但是。 沒有暴動, 他們也用不著無情得鎮暴。
所以人民有權力示威, 也該本分的守法。 政府與在野黨都應該健全, 任何事情依法處理。
不合時代情理的法律嚴審修改, 才是個正常的民主體制國家。
因為。 當國家不健全的時候, 就是外患侵入的最好時機。
街頭運動全世界都一樣。 有正當的訴求者, 也有混雜在其中的職業混混。
當政府不合理的時候, 有合法的管道和地方可以訴求。
大家在參與抗議示威的時候。 要注意身邊的人, 是否真的與你的理念相同? 是否有混在其中的暴力煽動者?
當群眾情緒被煽起暴力行為時。 冷靜的適可而止則是你我的責任。
雖然置身國外, 但是在國外台胞的心, 每天都繫在網路上, 看著台灣的新聞視頻。
無論在那裡, 無論我們的政治理念相同與否。 都無法接受暴力的抗爭, 與令人淌血的脫衣私刑畫面。
這種野蠻行為。 讓我們看到了人性的污點與文明的失敗。
回想起多年前大家攜手, 敲鑼打鼓的前往巴黎的中國使館前, 抗議他們在台海演習與試射飛彈。
寒冷的冬天, 溫暖的陽光, 每個人穿著大衣和戴著手套的喊著口號。
中國使館前的道路封住了。 ㄧ邊是管理交通的警察, ㄧ邊是全副武裝的鎮暴部隊。
法國特選高大壯碩的武警, 站在面前。帶著頭盔, 拿著盾牌。 與我們瘦弱的留學生形成強烈的對比。
我們喊著口號。 敲鑼打鼓的藝術家的手都磨破了, 喊口號的嗓子也都嘶啞了。
代表處派了人將抗議信函交給中國使館後, 回來向我們宣佈我們成功的傳遞了訊息。
我們又喊了一些口號, 中文、法文、英文都喊。 吸引了不少觀光客與巴黎市民的目光。
難得見面的大家和鎮暴部隊聊了起來, 還順便一起合照, 氣氛好得不得了。
代表處的人看看申請示威的時限快到了, 便謝謝大家的盡心盡力, 宣告抗議結束。
大家有說有笑的離開現場, 各自回家, 或相約喝咖啡吃飯。
這樣的示威遊行, 讓目的達到了, 讓世界聽到了我們的聲音, 看到了我們的民主自由, 也讓我們得到了尊重。
其實。 陳雲林的訪台來的太早。 但是在世界經濟危機的節骨眼下, 我們不得不讓他心痛的早產。
但這個難得讓全是界都看得到的機會。 因為政府準備不周, 並未先行讓人民有心裡準備, 而糟蹋了。
讓原本我們可以用我們的民主自由和善良的民族性來讓對岸知道, 人權的重要, 食品的把關, 和政治理念不同等議題。
但一切都因為國旗被撤, 和個人政治利益, 讓世界看到了少數野蠻暴民的形象。
國外媒體並非無知盲從。 他們是有兩岸專家和有特派記者可以分辨是非的。
然而 All things happened for a reason.
也許因此政府將有所改善, 也許因此我們將真的團結。
也許有一天, 兩岸會真的統一。 也許會永遠保持現狀。
但是唯有文明的程序, 才能讓世界正視我們, 讓一切理智的進行。
所以這不是互相指責的時候, 而是互相療傷的時候。
行政院前學生的靜坐, 不論帶頭教授們的政治理念與動機為何, 不論靜坐的學生是否有遭人煽動, 至少他們選擇了很理性的抗議方式。
不管是不是有政治動機的教授煽動, 但是學法學政的學生, 不循法律程序卻非法靜坐就是錯的。
Good news for iPhone!!
Finally we can edit the Word, Excel and Power Point files on our almighty gadget - iPhone. One of the few things the iPhone users crave to have and maybe more Blackberry users will switch to iPhone is finally here. But before Apple can come out the copy and paste solution. I'm sure we're happy enough to hear that iPhone is moving one more step close to a mini computer.
And for those who loves to listen to the music with an high-end taste. The world famous french musician Jean-Michel Jarre introduces this AeroSystem tower in variety of metalic, black, pink and alien green color among other amazing designs from his extraordinary futuristic vision.
孔子 - 禮運大同篇 Confucius - Liyun - The Conveyance of Rites
When the great way prevails, the world is equally shared by all.
The talent and virtue are elected.
Mutual confidence was emphasized and brotherhood was cultivated.
Therefore, people regard all parents as their own, and treat all children as their own.
The elders can live in happiness, the adults are employed by their talent, the youths can grow and educate.
Widows and widowers, orphans, childless, ills and invalids are all well taken care of.
Men and women all have an appropriate role in the society and family.
Nature resources were fully used for the benefit of all, and not appropriated for selfish ends.
People contribute their ability to society and not for the private gain.
Thus evil scheming is repressed, and crimes fail to arise.
So the doors do not have to be shut. This is called "the Age of Great Harmony".
Sautéed ??!! Which language is that?!
The word Sautéed "I guess" is originally from the French word Sauter. Means jump or here in the cuisine term, make food jump in the pan - fry. So here above the french word's conjugation table. That the verb Sauter is the actual action. The past tense is Sautée. That's what we often see on the Chinese menu in France, or in some Haute Cuisine (high end) restaurant in english speaking countries.
So where is this Sautéed came from?
If we study the word orthographically. "Sautéed" is a past tense of Sauté?
I'm very confused. But it is ridiculously true that in American English. Sauter became Sauté, which is already a misspelled from the french past tense Sautée. And it is not the end. Guess what? The verb in action is Sautéeing.
I can imaging how french speaking people are having a good laugh about it. And since the word is not existed in Oxford dictionary. I really wonder who the heck was the one invented this odd urban word by reason of lack of language knowledge? Simply wanted to americanizing the french or to evaluating the american?
So how about the word "Déjà vu" ? Is there any Déjà vued or Déjà vuing? And how about Prêt-à-porter in prêt-à-ported and prêt-à-porteing? Critiqued and Critiqueing?
My acne war - Best products to have a healthy skin!
I used to have a perfect skin that everyone jealous about, and even at my not so young age now, I still have a so called great skin without showing a winkle. But ever since I stopped my birth control pills few years back, and a severe sun allergy while I was working in Miami 4 years ago. My skin just went fatally wrong with pimples and pigments. I've went through all products and visited many famous doctors and consultants, and of course I ended up spent tons of money and guinea pigged myself to many odd cures and got even more allergies.
Anyhow. When I finally sort of lost hope on my adult acne problem. My Gynecology doctor told me that she can cure it easily at once, but before she magic wands me with any medical cure which may toxic me in and out. She wants me to start with a few simple products first to be safe.
She suggested me to use alternatively on every second day with Dial Antibacterial Complete Foaming Hand Soap US$2.19, Phisoderm Deep Cleaning Cream Cleanser US$4 and Proactive US$39.95. But a hand soap?!! Are you sure?
Yes. No kidding. I can almost see her nodding firmly over the phone. The correct way to clean your face is to wash it gently with mousse, and never scrub it. She added.
So that's how I having my skin back to it's beauty self by cleaning my face with an Antibacterial foaming hand soap. But damn! That hurt like hell when I just started. It was like a thousand and million's miniscule needles sting my face all over, and it hurts even more and stretchy once I dry my face. I then have to put on a very gentle and expansive cream right the way on my face to calm it down. Of course. I was mumbling at my doctor for a while with many doubts, but yet I'm still washing my face with this killer hand soap every second day which can shrink my acne properly and disappear faster too.
I know the pain when I wash my face with it was from all my acne wounds and over scrubbed thin skin, that antibacterial soap is cleaning those nasty acne bacteria living in my pores. And within about only 2 weeks. I don't feel pain anymore when I wash my face. With the combination of PH balance Phisoderm and the famous Proactive. They've not only largely improved my skin condition, they've also refined my pore, can cleaning up black heads.
And now, I'm healing my acne scars and detoxing my skin with a very gentle, herbal J.B. Elements mask from jenbeauty US$99 (very expansive). And hopfully I can finally have my perfect skin back very soon and say bye to concealer.
April 2009 update:
Two Galenic Cauterets thermal spring water based products are efficient to your acne and gentle to your skin.
Purifying Cleanser Gel & 3 in 1 Clarifying Mask (These products has been discontinued)
March 2010 update:
I now very careful on what i eat. No chocolate, no fried food and less meat. And also found or readapted some other good solutions to replace the maybe harmful Proactive & expansive J.B. Elements mask.
Galenic Cauterets Purifying Correcting Concentrate-15ml (US$ 22)
a small tube but you only need a little drop per acne day & night or as often as need. The gel is transparent and can use under or over the make-up.

RareMinerals Blemish Therapy US$ 28
It's a very nature powder to dry out the pimples and cure them fast. Great to use after popped white or black heads on the nose before sleep and wake up with clean and pore less nose. And it works also like concealer under and over make-up.

Tända Clear Acne Light Therapy Treatment (Blue) US$ 250 (US$ 75 / head)
Very expansive but it's much better than applying lots product on the skin and it works like charm and effortless to disappear the early pimples, calm the acne area, shrink the mature ones and heal quick the popped ones.

But before you spend any dime on all these products. The greatest and most nature magic wand is ... EGG WHITE.
It's the cheapest collagen, cleaning and firming mask in the world and it's magically fast. Just use the rest of the egg white after your morning omelet or save the entire egg white in a small bowl, or even in a Muji transparent tube while you travel. Use it before make-up or after cleaning your face before putting on night cream before sleep. Add a little bit salt for severe acne victims. But be careful. The egg white dries fast. Wash it off before it dried too much to avoid the possible winkles and damage the skin.
September 2013 update:
Some products I've mentioned previously might has been discontinued or not specially safe to use...
Some more products and methods here work amazingly good and practically no more breakout so I can finally healing my acne scars and feeling confident.
My top product now to balance my skin is
Biologique Recherche Lotion P50W US$ 24 - 57 - 88 (depend on the size)
This high technology cosmetic line from France is pricy but you will love how your skin turns out.
Texture: Clear liquid.
What it does: Balance, clear and renew your skin all in one.
Result: Clear and healthy glow skin in just few weeks. You pretty much no need any other skin care product anymore unless you have other special issue.
Important: 3 formulas - P50, P50V, P50W. (Strong, less strong and mild)
How to use: Pour on a cotton pad then dabbing on your skin day & night or only night. Water moist the cotton pad before pouring the lotion for sensitive skin type.
A biggest size can last for 2 to 3 months.
The company has a luxury Spa on Champs Elysées in Paris, where you can also do your hair and purchase all their products.
I first used the original P50 suggested by my physician, the strong version for mature skin, it tingles a lot and has a strong medical smell which is not very southing before sleep. It clears out my skin by forcing break out like crazy for a week then my skin look much better and healthier by the coming weeks. After my first bottle, I went to the Spa in Paris and the physicians there suggested me to picked up the mild version P50W because is safer, much less smell and more comfy to use.
They've also suggested me to use another very pricy Biologique Recherche Serum 3R (170 Euro) to fade my Acne scars, sun spot and prickles. It works magically so far or at least I don't need an heavy laser treatment.
And just in case if you like to go for a more organic way...
Fresh Umbrian Clay Treatment Bar US$ 38. is magic!
Texture: Solid clay in bar shape.
What it does: Clean, detox & dry out your acne instantly.
Result: Clean pore, calm acne and heal faster.
Important: 100% nature.
How to use: Circle massage on damp skin or dab in water and massage on to your acne as mask, leave it on till it dry and wash up with warm water.
After the clay mask, you can always use a acne treatment to speed up the healing. Well. I actually layer two products below to really kill the bacteria at once! 😝
Ducray Keracnyl Topical Emergency Spot Treatment (Stop Bouton) 9 Euro.
Texture: Clear gel.
And Zapzyt Acne Treatment Gel US$ 5.
Texture: Creamy white grained gel.
To heal and smooth the skin on entire face or locally after acne sacred:
Perricone MD Vitamin C Easter 15 US$ 120.
Of course. My make-up removal routine:
Sisley Eau Efficace Gentle Make-up Remover US$120.
It's pricy but it can remove all make-up and moist your skin nicely with no need of much skin care product after. I not only use it as make-up remover, I use also to clean my face in the morning, and it last at least 6 months for me.
Texture: Clear liquid.
What it does: Remove eye, lip and face make-up in one. Clean fast, moist skin and leave it matt.
Result: Clean, southing and it smell so good and feel relax.
Important: Gentle for sensitive skin and contact lenses user.
How to use: Press the cotton pad on the pump and remove make-up start from eyes, lips then the face. No rinse needed.
Clarisonic's electric brushes Cleansing devices are the must have.
I've a Mia 2 US$ 150 that I use after I removed my makeup.
What I use with my Clarisonic Mia 2 :
Clinique Facial Soap US$ 12.50
I use it when I travel or when I feel organic. 😀
Sampar Daily Dose Foaming Cleanser (Mouse Fraicheur Vitale) 20 Euro.
I use it specially during summer when my skin got oily easily.
Ren Mayblossom T-Zone Control Cleasing Gel US$ 32.
I use it during winter when my skin turns dry.
Here is an article I've found about how to DIY blackhead cleaner with Toothpaste and Salt.
I'll update some masks soon! ... or I'll just start another blog to only talk about my favorite beauty products. 😜
Please let me know what you think or tell me what's your favorite products.
Viva the healthy skin and a pretty face !!
Best Sichuan restaurant in New York - Golden Sichuan 川霸王
So last weekend a phone call with my mother lives far far away in Taipei told me a Sichuan restaurant located in Flushing, New York called "Golden Szechuan" 金四川 is very good and wanted me to go for a try. When I was just wondering how she came out such oversea gourmet idea as she has never been to New York. She confessed that she read it from an online article. (Please click on "英" character on the top right of the article to view the english version)
I've checked and checked about this "Golden Szechuan" online and found one restaurant with a different Chinese name. I called to make sure is the one. Over the other side of the phone. An elder male voice with a warm chinese accent repeats: "Our english name is "Golden Sichuan", Chinese name is "川霸王"(King of the Sichuan) not "金四川"(Golden Sichuan). The restaurant is 25 years old !!!" I then have to explain that we're new in town etc.
So later in the afternoon. We headed to flushing to explore and see how wonderful is this legendary "Golden Szechuan" that everyone is talking about. And as soon as we arrived there, we realized the restaurant is one of those located in the basement, that we never dare to try at beginning of the so called Taiwan town area. We parked and see on a board at back of the restaurant wrote "Golden Monkey" another name? ... very confused. As we recently had a very bad experience at midtown's Wu Liang Ye 五糧液, we can't help to hesitate the choice of the restaurant. And just the thought came to our mind. We saw a man climbing up of stairs with his take out food and a big smile on his face. We exchanged a quick look and decided to give a try anyway.
It was about quarter passed 2 in the afternoon. The restaurant is dated and empty. The waiter gave us a corner table but we asked for another one with better lighting (1. I need to take picture for dishes. 2. I feel more secure if I can see what's in my dish.) Then the waiter hands us two almost broken and bit sticky menus. We start to worry. The dishes in the menu are not specially different than any other Sichuan restaurant, but very soon my hubby spotted a dish that he definitely wants to try. I read in Chinese and asked. Are you sure? Didn't noticed that the menu in English is much more attractive. The boss saw us really took longtime to read the menu, he stepped near our table to see if we need any extra help. And once we started our oder. I guess he recognized my voice from the phone and repeated again nicely the confusion of the name. I wanted to make sure about the dish my man wanted so much about. What kind of cured meat you used in this cabbage pot? I asked. And I found myself nodding with smile as he answers: "It's our old Sichuan chef's homemade tea smoked pork meat." My nodes and smile broke the ice. We had some very nice chat about the article on the Chinese Wall Street journal, the he even gave us two glasses of plum juice to ease our spicy cough. : )
We ordered Szechuan Wontons, Rice Cake Shrimps, Tea Smoked Cabbage Pot, Double cooked Tea Smoked Pork and their famous Mapo Tofu. We usually order more than we can eat to be able to taste more dishes possible and doggy bag home for couple meals or my hubby's bento. And among of these 5 absolutely delicious dishes. We special love the Szechuan Wontons and the Tea Smoked Cabbage Pot.
紅油抄手 [ Hong You Chao Shou] Szechuan Wontons was not only very tasty with a very refine and exquisite spices. The homemade wonton skin was fresh and amazingly chewy.
臘肉白菜鍋 [La Rou Bai Tsai Gou] Tea Smoked Cabbage Pot is like an heaven on earth. The fresh smoked fat pork that we normally used for the Double Cooked Pork is here in a light cabbage soup. And the heavenly tea smoked flavor is absolutely unforgettable and unbeatable no matter you are hungry or not. And of course we 're more than happy to keep half of the pot home to savoy preciously the second day's dinner and bento lunch.
The boss apologized for the over salted Double Cooked Pork and noted us to order a mild version next time. He added while we were leaving that we should definitely try theirs Hot Pots. We nodded and promise will come back once we lost some wight. :P
Golden Szechuan 川霸王
13347 Roosevelt Ave
Flushing, NY 11354
(718) 762-2664
Cute dog in TV ad
Kelly Ripa's Electrolux
Despite of my TV ad background. Ever since the recordable TV box exist. We watch TV shows only after the air time to be able to view the thriller show without interruption and skip the annoying long, frequent ads that TV channels trying to make we all swallow.
But lately I sort of having a pretty healthy life style which I started to sleep early and wake up early, so we advanced almost all the show watches on real time, and unfortunately can't avoid the ad anymore.
Here is one of many very boring ads we saw and found a little something at very end make us smile - A little high 5 dog.
中秋快樂! Happy Moon Festival !!
It was about 15 days ago, we found a box of rabbit moon cakes from Taiwan's Ten Ren in Chinatown. And few days later. We found an ad on a free New York japanese guide shows a cake store also sell rabbit style moon cakes. Yesterday. After a week of wait. We decided to discover the Japanese mall in New Jersey and to buy a box of japanese version of rabbit moon cakes.
Here. A taiwanese green tea rabbit moon cake with Mochi heart in red and japanese green beans rabbit moon cake, side by side like a kid with mom. :)
Happ moon festival to all !!
New TV shows this fall
But while we're all staring at the Olympic Games' very selected and not live prime time monopole transmission. Weeds, Psych, and the high quality 100% canadian made police thriller "Flashpoint" are making our summer very refreshing.
"Flashpoint" is entirely shot in Toronto where the city gives all it has got to make it's new name in Hollywood.
The show is fairly well written and smartly directed, sharply filmed and gladly casted with less known canadian actors which the production can spend much more budget to produce a quality show shot with Panavision, color enhanced movie like TV must see.
Each episode starts from the critique moment the so called "flashpoint" then flashback to few hours earlier, with mainly 2 story lines, one from the Strategic Response Unit, the SRU side which is inspired by Toronto's Emergency task Force team, and the other one from the criminal or the social victims side.
The SRU geared up like swat, arrived in 3 big black SUVs, and the guy who played the photographer in "Just Shoot Me" will talk the disturbed attacker through or the snipers will push the trigger shoot the unstable public threat on the keyword "Scorpio".
I like specially Hugh Dillon's new promising face which reminded me Bruce Willis and Jason Statham. And the little flirt tension between the cliche good looking young man David Paetkau from the Final Destination 2 and the smart and only female sniper Felicity's Amy Jo Johnson. And Amy Jo Johnson and Hugh Dillon also produce and use their music as soundtrack often make beautiful closure to each tense episode.
"Flashpoint" music guide here, episode guide here.
My favorite episode: Ep. 3: The Element of Surprise
Xavier Wei 魏禎宏 畫展
DIY Non-Toxic cleaner
We have found this very simple cleaning product this weekend to allow us to go green even when we clean.
The spray bottle contented 3 different uses microfiber cloths(I'm a big fan of these cloths invention!!), and there are some excellent DIY cleaner formulas printed on the bottle, to clean your house with a non-toxic cleaner just like in the old time.
We've tried and found them all work fine and as efficient as a regular cleaning product, and we do feel much safer and more eco. A very child, pets and skin friendly cleaning system.
DIY cleaner to use with the spray bottle:
2 tablespoons baking soda with 16 oz. warm water.
1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar with 16 oz. warm water.
10-20 drops of tea tree oil with 16 oz. warm water.
1/2 teaspoon liquid soap
1/2 teaspoon borax
Lemon juice or white vinegar
with 16 oz. warm water.
Perfume Fabric
5 drops scented oil with 8 oz. water.
Product from Casabella
IKEA 2009 Catalog is here!!

IKEA? My hubby's day job. The job everyone thought our apartment is a IKEA paradise, just released the new 2009 catalog to attract us all to visit the near by IKEA store asap.
As always. My hubby delivers the catalog into my hands directly from his office one week before the public distribution. And as usual. One of my favorite things to do when I read the IKEA catalog is to looking for the cat members inside of the catalog. But this year. I'm very disappointed. I've go through the entire catalog and find no cat at all but 2 fluffy dogs running on page 126 and page 246. I then right the way text to my man to demonstrate my anger. He replies: "This is very disturbing indeed. We should boycott until next year." :D
Anyhow. The online US english catalog is here
And here are some items I like:
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