- Green beans 300g.
- Water 1200g.
- Agar 8g.
- Gelatin 6g.
- Rock sugar 200g.
How to:
1. Rinse green beans and emerge in clean water for 20 mn. then pour out the water.
2. Add 1200g. water and bring to boil in a pot for 20 mn. to soften the beans into soup.
3. Add rock sugar 180g. bring to boil then turn off the fire.
4. Add and mix agar 8g. and gelatin 6g. in the green beans soup, add rock sugar 20g. bring to boil 5 more mn. turn off the fire.
5. Cool down the soup and pour into bowls. Ready to serve after 1-2 hours refrigeration.
6. For better flavor. The drew can be served with shaved ice and a spoon of sugar water.