
Earthquake relief help!! 賑災需要!!

中國雪災, 緬甸風災, 四川震災。大家有錢的出錢, 有力的出力。

不過"壹基金"深入四川災區了解災情後。發現急需要大量的 口罩, 飲水, 食物, 帳篷, 睡袋, 毯子, 衣物, 醫藥和屍袋。

China snow storm, Myanmar cyclone, Sichuan earthquake. Relief from all over the world.

But from the Sichuan relief report. They need a large quantity's masks, water, foods, tents, sleeping bags, blankets, outfits, medical products and body bags. And eagerly hoping any factory can donate.

以下為各捐助管道連結 Here you can find the relief links:

壹基金 One Foundation (China Red Cross)
台灣紅十字會 Taiwan Red Cross
美國紅十字會Red Cross America
China Earthquake Donation Guide

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