Still remember your first blanket? Or still looking for the one to hook on?
I used to have 2 small blankets, one in baby pink and one in baby blue. Since I'm the 2nd child of the family, when is my turn to own those two blankets, they're already not new. But I was so into those blankets, that the 3rd child of the family had no chance to have them. They were my parents' wedding gift, which came with a big brown color one. The quality was the best, hand made with the topest technic of a best bedding company from Shanghai. They used the best wool and the best Chinese silk for the border. They were extremely attaching for the touch, and they were my main interest in life until I turned 10.
What happened? We moved, and my mom decided to throw them into the trash. I was shocked and terrified when I realized I will never able to sleep a night feeling secure again. Well. My parents were still using the big one, which I was always sneaking in their room by any excuse, just to be able to touch the big blanket and the silky border. When I was 16. I got a serious car crash and had to stay in the hospital for a month. And while I was in pain with drug, I asked my mom to bring the big blanket to the hospital, that I can touch the silky border 24H/24H. ^_^' What a joy of life !!
Many years later. I grew up, fell in love, moved to Paris, fell in love... but there is always a hole in my heart that I can't explain. Finally once when I returned to Taipei. I found myself again sneaked into my parent's room touching the silky border a lot. Then the day before my depart back to study... I asked the permission to bring the blanket with me to Paris. And ever since, I'm with that blanket. I specially bought a window door laundry machine to let me able to watch the blanket while washing, and I carry that blanket whenever I travel away for more than a month. That's the longest I can bear a life without it.
Again many years later. I realized this 40 years old blanket is facing it's end. It lost the thickness and the silky border is also about to disappear completely. Which I guess it's time for me to find a replacement, and maybe put this old blanket in a much safer place. And for many years, I've been looking for the replacement with the same touch but in vain.
Well. At least I found "Linus Blanket". Linus, the the little boy with a blue blanket in the Snoopy.
mmm... The quality is absolutely not comparable, but it's extremely soft to touch. Unfortunately, the border of this $34 blanket is nothing silky for the touch, which I bought $46 's satin ribbon to redo the border myself.
Voila! The story of my life.
The "Linus Blanket" is from Urban Outfitters store. They're already sold out from the online store, and won't have them in the stock till 2010. If you're like me a blanket hooker or planing to hook a baby with a blanket. You can always purchase it from their stores. And guess what? When you purchase a "Linus Blanket", you also donated $5 to "Project Linus" and become a blanketeer. : )
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