Aie! Aie! Aie! Sorry. Sorry. I guess I just became one of those lazy bloggers who lost the interest of blogging?
Or this blogging this is not that fashionable any more since we have all these economic and environment crises or our attention has been blowed away by the red hot Olympic games?
Yes. Yes. I can always pick whatever excuse to make me sounds busy and guiltless. And No. Actually ever since I've got back in New York. I've been taking time to get back to my life rhythm after crazily traveling around the past 6 months. And of course I've been working on my Chinese dishes book since a year, plus some little help from time to time to my hubby's indie musicians' touring management. Some friends was in town, and we're still working little by little on our apartment remodeling etc.
And beside all that. I just started an online T-shirt sell in Taiwan and also started another blog, an extension of my unpublished Chinese dishes book with lot more details about all the dishes that can't really fit in the pocket size version.
: ) Yes. Now I'm talking.
"MakeIt" The T-shirt store in Taiwan just launched and a friend of mine "TheCarol" (Taiwan's twitter queen) works for them. And since I've some spare drawings lying around in my hard disk. I decided to join the website and start my own store for a try. And when I have a little bit more time. I'll try to put them available for buyer outside of Taiwan on my cafepress store.
As for the extension of my Chinese dishes book "Eat Chinese Food" is posting one by one as blog for now. And once I've much more posts and readers, I'll update it into a website where you can check all the dishes by style, kind and taste before you heading to a Chinese restaurant.
And of course. When my book finally released. Don't forget to support the indie author like me, pick one copy online or in a bookstore for yourself or your friends. :D
you act faster than i expected.
good girl...
maybe i may expect daily renew, what do you say? XDD
Hehe... Don't push it! :D
Can you read Chinese?
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