
Food Paradise - Taiwan

How can anyone resist Fruit Yogurt Ice cream Moon Cakes in star shape?
How can you not feel spoiled by Boneless Alcohol Chicken Leg Roll? How??


A Million Thanks - hoops & yoyo

Click on pictures to view the eCards.

hoops & yoyo



Official site

Most popular comic cartoon in Far East Asia. This Japanese comic was created by Fujiko F. Fujio(1933-1996), since 1970 which influenced each generations age under 45. Doraemon the robotic cat from 22nd century was sent to a loser schoolboy Nobita by his great-great-grandson, to help him improve and marry the great-great grandmother for the future descendants' sake . Doraemon's pocket, a mobile online shopping is connected to the 22nd century's department store, can have all kind future gadgets that make life easier and joyful. No wonder why all Far East Asians are very into all small and high performance gadgets can fit in our pockets. And like Star Wars' Light Saber. That one day, Sony might release a real Doraemon.

Louis Vuitton Dream


OK Go - Best Treadmill Dance

Super cool Chicago band. OK Go click on the name to see more funky videos.

Future world?

M2M. A pop music duo from Norway and sing in Chinese.
I know the force of China is coming big, but to imaging one day everyone speaks and sings in Chinese in stead of English...
Very cute anyway.


Chien-Ming Wang Rules!!

After New York Times article. August 13, 2006
More about him Yankees Player info

Can't tell you how much I've missed baseball after 16 years in Europe.

Now moved to NYC since a year, and happily found a Taiwanese pitcher Chien-Ming Wang, made his debut and carrying more than just well in the major league. What a gift for my new life and I can't thank him enough for it. Not just me. My Swedish husband also learned to engage into my baseball homesick. He enjoys the games, wins and losts with me and with the rest of Taiwanese, just like sometimes I cheer for the Swedish huckey or football teams.

We go to Yankees stadium in navy blue Wang's number 40 t-shirts, we watch it at home or on the computer when we travel back to Europe. Today. Wang will pitches another game and we all cross our figers for him. Not just us. He's in all Taiwaneses' hearts. Wang's hard work makes us forget our worries in life and our politic faillures. At least when he pitches. And at least now, we have someone we're proud of that Chinese government can't deny where he came from.

26-year-old Wang has a pair of strong shoulders for all Taiwanese's long lost hopes and dreams. And maybe for the New Yorkers as well under his cool charm. His hard works and all given chances by everyone in his life journey. All that makes him a phenomena by itself. That we cheer for him, for NY Yankees, for New York a place where dreams can come true.



續這一篇旅遊話題 去義大利之前,應該看哪一些電影?


唸電影時看的義大利電影 都是會讓人發瘋 自殺的 不在此煞風景
上面提 HBO 的 Rome 可以把義大利地理 歷史和藝術史都溫習過 並了解義大利人
有關 和在義大利 拍的電影太多了 例ㄧ些會讓人會愛上義大利的吧

喜歡建築的 有 Peter Greenaway 的 The Belly of an Architec (羅馬)
古時候的 賓漢 Ben-Hur 有在 Sistine Chapel 拍攝 (極少有的機會)
血腥的 Hannibal 在佛羅倫斯 可以回憶殺人魔在市場藏刀刺人 和最後在美術館講堂的對手戲 然後把警探從 大衛像旁的窗台上扔下來 腸子一串連人掛下 血水唏哩嘩啦落地 觀光客驚聲尖叫的畫面 (光源不同 建議早晚各去欣賞一次)
癡情追到義大利的Marisa Tomei演的Only You, 五迪愛倫和茱莉亞羅伯姿慢跑相戀的Everyone Says I Love You, Ashton Kutcher 的 Just Married 都在威尼斯
潛水的 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 99%在義大利拍
英倫情人 不是沙漠的地方都是義大利
沙翁名劇 Much Ado About Nothing, 仲夏夜之夢, 1968年的羅密歐與茱莉葉 在Tuscany很多地方
喜歡妮可基嫚的有 The Portrait of a Lady
小時候愛說謊的有 小木偶
Nanni Moretti的 我可愛的日記 有暑假的羅馬
一些驅魔電影和教父3有 梵諦岡
Caravaggio (兒童及恐同症者不宜) 雖不在義大利拍 但參觀美術館時會看到其中的畫作

其實 看電影旅遊是看氣氛 找一本義大利美術史書 ㄧ本希臘神話故事 和一本點菜指南 倒是較實際 不然在義大利去哪裡都是看花又沒吃到美食 (請記得吃一些馬可波羅之前的傳統義大利食物 和嚐嚐白松露) 去米蘭購物 Coso Como喝咖啡後 千萬別忘了去看達文西的最後的晚餐壁畫 反正把忍者龜名字的四位偉大藝術家的作品和足跡都看看 好好欣賞台灣沒有的美 肯定會很有收穫

去佛羅倫斯讓Donatello的St. George心動
想像米開朗基羅死後遺體連夜從羅馬偷運回來 沿街民眾哭泣地舉著火炬的景象
去威尼斯莫札特住過的地方感動 找找到過中國的航海資料
去Vinci體驗達文西出生的小屋 呼吸他的托斯坎空氣 跟橄欖ㄧ起晒他的太陽
去羅馬想像古城的模樣 吃一頓羅馬君王式的大餐 和一頓道地的Gnocchi 去Parma吃火腿 去Bologna吃義大利粉
大口享受義大利粗麵包沾辣橄欖油 喝著香醇的紅酒
然後住古老的旅館 夢古人的夢

買一本 Where to Wear 購物指南 裡面有每個城市最fashion的餐廳和夜店
水土不服的人 米蘭有家台灣餐館喔

buono viaggio


An allergy experience

Just want to share this with you.

Lately I have all kinds of allergies from acne products and pet's hair. I have tried all cosmetic products on my forearm before apply on my face, and keep all pets away from me, and I can still get redness and itchy eyes. It all start with my acne problem once I stop Diane 35. For 2 years, I went to see many doctors, allergists, dermatologists etc. Ended up I've no allergy but extremely sensitive skin.

The other day, I went to emergency room at 2 am for an unknown food allergy, which gave me mosquito bites like reaction all over my body and back of my head. Doctors asked me if I ever have food allergy before. I only recall I might once had a dry peach and it inflated my right lips. At emergency room, I got a shot of mixed of Cortisone and other thing. I then fell asleep 20 minutes later and morning woke up with no allergy at all.

I took Celestamine for a day, which I have to stop because some redness side effect, then take Aerius for 8 days. I have some redness again for a day when I took antibiotic to extract a wisdom tooth (after cardiologist's permission), then I have to take the antibiotic day and night for 5 days. Not for my allergy but for my heart valves imperfection.

After many allergy tests and all examinations I have been through. I now know I'm very healthy and I have slight allergy reaction from dogs. My skin is sensitive to dogs and cats' poisoned saliva, the Glycolic pads from Dr. Sobel, and on and off the Minocycline from Dr. Sobel. The cause of my food allergy crises is still unknown. The allergist plans to have me test with Minocycline and the food I ate that day.

I didn't return to Dr. Sobel since and I stop to use all products and medication prescript by him. My acne problem is much better now with my own cure, and glad I’ve met some very good doctors.