The Concretes 孔固力 Taipei Concerts 台北演唱會!!

The Concretes 孔固力樂團要來台灣開演唱會啦!!
他們將於12月15日週六, 在國家音樂廳前參與台灣世界人權大會的公益演出。
12月16日週日, 在 The Wall 特別演出, 帶來台灣未出版的新專輯, 在演出後與大家近距離的接觸!!
預售價 500 NT. 現場 600 NT.
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The Concretes
Music Wand
樂多誌 roodo blog concert info
The Wall 購票資訊 ticketing
博客來購票網 boos.com.tw ticketing
世界人權日音樂會 Human Rights Concert
豆花伯很兇。他會罵豆花婆,罵他那時候還很小的兒女。他的臉,每天都是臭臭的,好像很多客人都欠他的豆花錢一樣。當然,豆花伯並不是對誰都兇的。我常常觀察,但一直搞不懂,我到底是要具備什麼樣的條件,才不會看到豆花伯的兇? 所以我每次都會刻意的很乖巧,很有禮貌,實在是因為我真的很怕他。
我記得,每次豆花伯給我的豆花都很多豆腐,很少湯、花生或著是粉圓。我常乾乾的望著別人吃得西哩呼嚕,香得不得了。而已經因為大熱天口渴的我,常望著碗裡乾乾的豆花,難以下口。只期待媽媽趕快來救我,幫我把沒有湯汁的豆花給吃完。然後豆花伯會瞪著我心虛的離開,順便用台語罵上兩句: 每次都吃不完之類的話。真的是可怕極了!
長大後,好奇的問媽媽,不知道為什麼每次我的豆花總是沒湯、沒料的都是豆腐。媽媽說,應該是豆花伯看我小時候實在太瘦了,特意給我很多豆腐,要我吃胖一點吧! 我想想,雖然這不是不可能,但是仍然沮喪為什麼小時候,從不能跟別人一樣吃得那麼開心?
我們一如習慣地,帶著戰戰兢兢的心情,安靜的低著頭吃完豆花。在回家的路上,我問︰那個以前老闆還在嗎? 在在。媽媽回答: 有時候經過還會看見他呢! 還是那麼兇嗎?我問。 兇啊!當然。有時候還是會看到他大聲的罵太太,兒子、女兒呢!媽媽笑著說。 對我來說驚訝的是,雖然曾經是可怕的深刻,但還是令人懷念他傳統的豆花和粉圓口味呢!
Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Ever since my mom is addicted to the Italian Sun-Dried Tomatoes. To find the right Sun-Dried Tomatoes has become my unique duty before I head back to Asia.
This afternoon. I went to an Italian food store on Montorgueil for some Sun-Dried Tomatoes. The very narrow store was filled with a grandma and an unattractive couple. When it's finally my turn. I said to the short hair Italian man who served me that I'm looking for the Sun-Dried Tomatoes. With Italian sun? He asked. If possible. I replied. then I added. Is there a choice of region? He laughed.
Here in the picture you find the Sun-Dried Tomatoes dried in Italy with olive oil and herbs. They're extremely tasty. A little salty, a little sweet and the olive oil and the herbs are marinated just perfect.
I can't wait to eat it with pasta or salad.
So how we faire la bise?
La Bise en France (Karambolage - Arte)
(Sorry the video it's in French)
I just went for a short trip in Venice for the film festival with some friends from Hong Kong. On the last day when we were saying goodbye to our 21 year old, very promising English publicist at the Marco Polo airport, the Asian origin team was about to node their heads for the appreciation before disappearing behind the gates entrance. The young man reaches his hand to our manager lady and starts to shake hands to each one till me, the last. To showing my appreciation of his wonderful and sleepless work, I was shaking his hand and slightly leaning ahead which naturally lead us to a cheek kiss. A kiss on the right cheek is perfectly normal for any non latin background European, but this kid was chaining it a second one on the left cheek after. Maybe it was because we were in Italy. A set of right and left cheek kisses is the least we can apply here.
After about 30 minutes' take off delay and race flying speed with Air France. We finally landed at the CDG airport. My Hong Kong fellows were about to transfer to their international flight and leave me returning to my Paris home. We wave goodbye to each other as usual. Then suddenly my actress friend turned back and gave me a French style cheek kisses with her sexy lips, and before she left, the manager, the hair stylist and rest of the team all claim their cheek kisses one after the other.
This was not the first time or might not be the last time, that a group of Asian exercises the French bise on me. I'm sure they're all very curious and attempting about it when they're traveling in Europe. Yes. Not when they're in Asia. A friend of mine asked me if faire la bise is inappropriate at all to an Asian? Cause this handsome artist gave a cheek kisses to an Asian gay man and he also hug and cheek kissed an Asian young woman. The both kisses were processed in public and the both receivers were completely blushed. After we carefully studied the circumstance and timing and person's character. Our conclusion is definitely Yes. A hug or a cheek kiss it's inappropriate in Asia, to an Asian in public.
"How about in private?" He asked. "Oh. That's even worse." I replied. I'm sure the hug or the cheek kiss receiver will codes it as the intimate relation request if any physical contact or even eye contact involved. I recall several times my Swedish husband makes my Asian female or male friends thought he wanted to sex them up. Scandinavian people hugs to say hi and eyeing sharply into eyes when cheering drinks or during conversation for respect. But after many unwanted misunderstanding incidents, I figured other I need to print a manual to all my Asian friends or I need to warn my man about it. Although I've had some experiences about my husband's scandinavian friends hug me tight after many drinks, which I perfectly know how to handle it, or some european couple friends use me as their relationship booster... That the guy pretends to be very close to an exotic Asian girl to create jealous reaction from his wife or girlfriend, which I find extremely annoying. And I'm sure any of my Asian friends will be very struggled if they encounter the same.
So how we faire la bise?
1. It's really important that you cheek kiss on the right place and on the right timing.
2. The cheek kiss should be on the cheek of course, not close to ear or close to mouth. Any wrong interpretation may cause you reputation. It sounds serious but true.
3. You don't necessarily need to create the kissing sound, or actually kiss on cheek. A gesture of cheek to cheek sometimes is fairly enough.
4. You can also apply some appreciation words or promising to meet soon while you cheek kiss.
5. Normally we cheek kiss on the right or from the right to left if it's 2 kisses. We start from the right is to avoiding unwanted accidently lips to lips and look like kissing fish.
6. And we look somewhere else or blur the eye focus but to look at the kiss receiver.
7. In England or some fashionable people in US is 1 right cheek kiss between friends, or a set of two between close friends.
8. In latin european countries is always at least a set of 2. A set of 3 for good friends, or provence and some other cities. A set of 4 for close friends and family.
9. Beware of some pervert old guys may give a set of 6 to 8 kisses to a young woman or talk dirty near the ear or "accidentally" get too close to the lips.
10. Sometime people make dramatic smack sound when cheek kissing kids or for fun between friends is totally normal.
I remember when I work on a french movie set in the early 90's. I was spending at least a half an hour of cheek kissing of a set of 4 to say good morning and another half an hour to say bye daily to all my colleagues. And ever since i noticed that they often only cheek kiss to female colleagues and sometimes handshake to male colleagues, I realized the cheek kiss gesture is actually a bit sexism and I claimed the justice once on a short film set which broken some male colleagues' feeling and spiced up some female colleagues against me. But anyhow. Now I personally only enjoy cheek kissing between friends or to someone I appreciate. And glad we're not in Russia where they actually lips to lips to say hi even between guys.
Eat in Paris - Kong

Bar Restaurant: Kong
Address: 1, rue du Pont-Neuf, 75001, Paris
Tel: 01 40 39 09 00, Fax. 01 40 39 09 10
email, Website (online menu and wine list available)
Open everyday 10:30 am - 2 am. 3 am. the weekend.
Sunday Brunch. Happy hour 4 pm. - 6 pm.
Rate: 30-60 euro (not included beverage)
Type: Japanese style French food.
Seat: 180
Owner: Laurent Taïeb
Directeur: Gérald Collet
Menu: Fumiko Kono
Chef: Richard Pommies
Exclusive Pastry Chef: Pierre Herme
Design: Philippe Starck
A fashion spot in the heart of Paris. Designed by Philippe Starck in Japanese manga style, classic Starck faces chairs, Chinese fabric arm chairs, pebbles image carpet, pebbles tiles for the restroom. Geisha image ceiling, glass roof windows, fluorescent staircase, video clips etc. Live DJ. Very sexy bar with the best Mojito in town.
The dishes are delight and light. Can't call it gourmet but good enough for a glamour meal like in the "Sex And the City". The top floor is a beautiful place to spend the afternoon.
Mojito, Nems de homard, Mi-cuit de thon aux herbes, rouleau aux légumes verts, Omelette Kong, Canard laqué ''authentique'', Foie gras poêlé pomme Fuji, Moëlleux au chocolat tiède, crème pistache, 2000 feuilles.
Beautiful view at top floor. The bar man Francois is wonderful. Hip fashion atmosphere.
The selection of the wine is unfortunately lacking for a restaurant in France. The waiters are pretty and well dressed but with Brasserie attitude. The clients need an extra charm for attention.
The design is beautiful but too crowdy for an elegant dinner.
Rate: 30-60 euro (not included beverage)
Type: Japanese style French food.
Seat: 180
Owner: Laurent Taïeb
Directeur: Gérald Collet
Menu: Fumiko Kono
Chef: Richard Pommies
Exclusive Pastry Chef: Pierre Herme
Design: Philippe Starck
A fashion spot in the heart of Paris. Designed by Philippe Starck in Japanese manga style, classic Starck faces chairs, Chinese fabric arm chairs, pebbles image carpet, pebbles tiles for the restroom. Geisha image ceiling, glass roof windows, fluorescent staircase, video clips etc. Live DJ. Very sexy bar with the best Mojito in town.
The dishes are delight and light. Can't call it gourmet but good enough for a glamour meal like in the "Sex And the City". The top floor is a beautiful place to spend the afternoon.
Mojito, Nems de homard, Mi-cuit de thon aux herbes, rouleau aux légumes verts, Omelette Kong, Canard laqué ''authentique'', Foie gras poêlé pomme Fuji, Moëlleux au chocolat tiède, crème pistache, 2000 feuilles.
Beautiful view at top floor. The bar man Francois is wonderful. Hip fashion atmosphere.
The selection of the wine is unfortunately lacking for a restaurant in France. The waiters are pretty and well dressed but with Brasserie attitude. The clients need an extra charm for attention.
The design is beautiful but too crowdy for an elegant dinner.
My old production work - Li-NIng Sportswear Concept ad 2001 (China)
This ad was shot in December 2001 in Paris and air in China for the new year of 2002.
The beautiful gymnast : Amélie Villeneuve
Shane Alexander
Song: Front Porch Serenade
17/07/07 at The Living Room, NYC
It was a sunny and chill afternoon at NXNE Six Shooter's Back lot BBQ concert in Toronto. The backyard was packed with people and veggie burgers. I was in my second Sangria and chatting with TSOOL's Martin and Ebbot about everything and nothing. By an eclipse of blink. Shane rushed me with his flyer and dropped "Please come to my gig tonight." and gone before I can react.
While TSOOL is doing SC. I went check him online and instantly attracted by his sorrow voice and beautiful music. I recognized many of them from TV series' background music and figured that he's definitely the one to watch. I then planed to sneak out from TSOOL's gig which my hubby was touring and to go to his instead. But duty called. That night. We became friendly with Ron Sexsmith and Colleen. TSOOL's gig was great. Ian finally back to his old charming self which I took many pictures and Ebbot dedicated me my favorite song "Black Star" that I blushed for a second in the dark.
Back to NYC. iTunes Shane Alexander's Stargazer and happy to find he's on his way here. July 17 at The Living Room. The show was late and delayed. When we came back from a small walk. I've found Shane stood there chatting. Since I promised taiwan's twitter queen Carol to get the flyer signed so I approached. Shane used his both hands warmly shacked mine and recognized me from my Myspace id pic. How come?! That pic showed only 1/4th. of my face. Guess I just fit what Claire said in Elizabethtown "Everybody is less mysterious than they think they are." I got my flyer signed which will go to Carol. My seriously lack of sleep hubby was there trying really hard to stay awake after a shot of double expresso, plus there was a bit singer nervousness before gig which we didn't really exchange much words.
Shane was on his solo tour with an amp. box. He started with my favorite "Stargazer" then followed by some jokes. His voice is a real charm and plays guitar magically which is a rare pleasure. He took a sip of beer and he joked about his pulled over by road cop, mentioned Ron and all. We laughed. We were pleased by his music and surprised by his stand-up comedy talent. My man enjoyed fully but he needed to get up at 5 so we took off once the show ended. A hug goodbye followed by a buddha thanks. mmm... he smells good.
Got home. Tried to avoid the hangover the second day which I kept awake from my drunkenness of Chardonnay by uploading the pictures and video I took from the gig. Happily found my new toy Leica D-Lux 3 gives good enough video footage.
Here you go. Enjoy Shane Alexander's Front Porch Serenade. And don't miss his show if he's touring close to you.
HBO new show - Voyeur (outdoor movie)
Not sure the show is any good but the outdoor movie at lower east side was some what amazing. It basically looping the same doll house like footage over and over again on a big parking lot's wall, characters fade in and do their everyday thing. Love story or drama or majority drama. 8 apartments 8 stories. Like "Seven" but 8 names by the voyeur. The selection of the soundtrack is beautifully composed by Clint Mansell, Dean & Britta, M83, Scott Hardkiss, Theodore Shapiro, Carlos D. Film director: Jake Scott.
Here you can see by yourself HBO Voyeur website
iPhone review
iDay. At 3 afternoon. The wall street At&t's front door has already collected about 50 people lined up for the iPhone.
An hour later. The line has extended to 100. And it ridiculously turned me off for the phone. After dinner and top of the 3rd of the Yankees. We decided to go for a iPhone lurking walk. At&t store was up with personals proudly announced us that no more iPhone left but they can order it for us which will cost us about 49 dollars for the date unknown shipping. How about I come pick it up in the store? I asked. You'll still have to pay for the shipment to the store ... It suddenly sounds very socialist and phishy. Not just for the unknown waiting time, it was because I know Apple ship for free on any order over 50 bucks. Plus. There must be a reason why the Apple stores are open from 6 pm. till midnight. They aren't going to handle those hungry geeks for 6 hours if the stock can only holds for an hour sale. It was only 9:30 pm. We then decided to direct to the Soho store.
A friday night before the 4th of July vacation. The traffic is always a mess in Soho without mentioning the parking "facility". But unexpectedly we've found a couple of the parking spots just right at the store corner. The store seems like just visited by a cyclone with trashed cartons waste and a group of Apple-tee geeks resting or smoking at the side door. But the easy parking surprise and the relaxing geeks seems very suspicious. Is there any iPhone left? I asked a happy worn out Apple-tee geek at entrance. There is plenty iPhones. Just go up stairs to the right. He must said that more than 100 times now but he's still smiling. And thank to Steve. About 20 happy Apple-tee geeks are behind the regular genius bar and iPod bar, serve the iPhone like the popular drink with an amaze speed. The huge iPhone stock and the wireless payment machine make the purchase extremely simple. A smiling happy Apple-tee geek waved to us from the far: Credit card? Yes. Ok. I want one in 8G please. Ok. Here you go. email address? xxxxx@mac.com, He slides the credit card. We signed. We're all set. The bill will be in your inbox in maybe couple of hours. Thanks!! And that was not more than 3 minutes. Then we left the store with an iPhone in an iPhone paper bag like a fancy Gucci handbag. Everyone is happy. Which I dare say that night. The Apple stores were the IT place to get high.
Now is the reality.
The activation needs the latest iTunes 7.3 to run. And it could be as smooth as they said.
But after couple hours of tete a tete with my iPhone surfing, twittering, emailing ... I went to sleep with a list of improvement they can come out with upgrade.
1. Can not record the sound.
2. Can not customize your own ring tone.
3. Can not MMS.
4. Can not GPS.
5. Can not iChat, MSN, Skype...
6. Can not read all video files.
7. Do not support flash.
8. Can not alternatively work or save with Microsoft Office files or any other files.
9. Can not sync Notepad.
10. No Undo action facility.
11. Can not use regular headphone jacks.
12. No update widgets online yet.
13. No games.
14. No auto Junk mail setup and bounce back facility.
15. Can not save email attachment
16. No multiple mails delete facility.
17. No secure confirmation before delete file or call out.
18. No check box for the group selection.
19. Can not download any file.
20. Can not bluetooth data.
21. No iTunes song, video online listening and purchase.
22. No multi languages input facility.
23. Can not watch TV.
24. Silver back corner not enforced
25. It's not a 3G video phone.
26. Too big, too heavy, too slippery.
27. Doesn't come with protection case.
28. No charm or strap facility.
29. At&t has more drop calls and less signal ever.
30. The camera has no zoom.
31. Can not film video.
32. The internet connection consume too much power.
33. Can not find all video on YouTube.
34. Can not disable T9 correction. Writing foreign languages is a nightmare.
35. Can not send contact.
36. PDA part can work without SIM card, but iPhone can not work with other phone card.
Of course we all know The north america is many years behind on the 3G video phone. But I believe the iPhone can catch it up one way or the other once the network is ready. The sound record, personalize ring tones, online chat, Microsoft Office, games ... etc. Any software can be update like the widgets. The protection case is just another Apple classic trick which you'll have to spend an extra 30 bucks for it. Plus, a special adaptor for the regular headphone for 10 bucks. And 100 bucks for a pair of good headset.
Anyhow. The iPhone's safari works as good as on the computer, and the YouTube film and iPhone version's Apple Movie trailers looks like on a real screen. And beside all these. I'm sure there is a bunch of less happy apple-tee geeks are already working on releasing more iPhone widgets. But when?
Robot Chicken!!!
Cat Stevens as Yusuf Islam
Heaven / Where True Love Goes (MV)
Heaven / Where True Love Goes (Nobel Peace Price concert)
Moonshadow (Earth Tour live 1976)
I can't tell you why Cat Stevens' music always bring me into an unknown trance where I feel a almost insane excitement with his songs so beautifully and so peacefully written. I recently sink back into that nervous peace again with his late album An Other Cup (2006) as Yusuf Islam. Beside I unchecked "I Think I See The Light" from my iTunes Library. The rest of the songs sound like he has never left us. His voice grow from wild to mature and that special sorrow joy can be restored and stop where the world was still simple enough for us to understand.
My long lost work
Richard Clayderman - Forgetting (1995)
Not long ago. A successful musician told my husband that he has been deeply moved by this MV. Which remind me that I once directed this music video in a difficult 1995 general traffic strike condition in Paris. It was about 5 am. I walked alone into a dark snowing dawn for 45 minutes from 2nd arrondissement to an hotel particulier located in the 8th. The 5 very popular musicians' busy schedule left only 8 hours to make this world premier Taiwanese pop song's instrumental version.
I worked almost sleepless on the shooting list and still adding in 4 more shots right before the ready to shoot time. The young and ambitious producer was there yelling at me that I won't have enough time for it or he will marry me (a french way of speaking). Thanks to another young and ambitious french man. With his quick and precise cinematography skill and a great team work. I ended the shooting 20 minutes before the wrap time. Of course. The producer didn't marry me.
Something I would like to mention is that my director's cut was a much more simple and artistic version. The records company edited this very media version for whatever it's commercial reason, and my once young ego refused to put my name on this MV.
Anyhow. Thanks again to the excellent crew, and the camera girl who brought me all the good video footage. And of course all 5 musicians' delicious performence.
Zodiac links
Few interesting links about The Zodiac Killer case.
Robert Graysmith interview - Brad Brevet
Crime Shadow File
Zodiac The Movie
Paris Velib - One step closer to green

June is going to be big for Paris. La Fete du Velo (Bicycle Days) on 2nd and 3rd June, La fete de la musique the 21th., then there is the city Wifi going to launch on 15th. And the very convenience and very ecology city bike “Velib".
The Wifi in Paris will be accessible for all from 7 am. till 11 pm. in any public area such as park or library. And the Velib is a system of public bicycle cost as lowest as 27 euros a year, 1 euro per day or 5 euros per week, with unlimited use for 30 minutes each time. And there will be an extra charge when use over 30 minutes.
For all habitants and visitors in Paris. The two circles of the grass carpet tramway, the Velib and Wifi. In few more years. This very city is turning to be a park and hopefully traffic free in the center city.
中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
其實我從來不懂為什麼當初硬是要建這個紀念堂,不過1989年六四天安門的心心相連,文化交流的國家音樂和戲劇廳,是深深堪入人心的無法抹滅的歷史事實。 那天趁回台北緊湊的行程中,特別抽了一個小時去中正紀念堂拍照散步。解釋給我的老外老公聽,他也覺得不可思議,不懂為什麼好好的東西要改變。不懂在老外心中捍衛共黨體制的代表,會被這樣無知的報復。國際間,台灣代表的民主立場,如今成為空洞無根的幌子。其實,外省人也不見得挺蔣,但是他畢竟是讓我們無憂無慮,自由在台灣成長,以台灣為家的原因。現在,所謂的蔣獨裁者被所謂的陳獨裁者打壓。一位是讓台灣免於共產黨迫害的,一位是興起共產黨迫害危機的。哎!政治啊! 天下為公的路是越來越遠了嗎?
記得西門町圓環邊上有一家賣北方麵餅小吃的店 - 點心世界,以前常因為躲午後的傾盆大雨,頭上帶著外婆打了揪的手帕去那裡躲雨順便吃個餅。在那裡工作的ㄅㄟㄅㄟ都是上了年紀的老外省,說話大聲,動作粗魯,非常讓人害怕。我想,那可能是我從來不是很喜歡吃北方麵餅的原因之一吧!
How long is your life? 能活多久?
Short version (fun but creepy) : Death Clock
Long version (medical reliable): Living to 100 Calculator
Yankees' black armband
The Pied Piper Of Hamelin 魔笛手
We passed Hameln in Germany on the way back. Where a creepy folk tale story happened in the medieval time. 26 June 1284. And by the publication of Brothers Grimm. So the version we know from our childhood.
Here are some links:
In different versions
Brothers Grimm
Here are some links:
In different versions
Brothers Grimm
3 Johnossi's MV
Website, MySpace.
From Stockholm. Johnossi is a simple 2 men band make 6 men's noise by Ossi's drums and John's acoustic guitar through effectboxes and 2 electric guitar amps. This rare alternative ROCK band is rocking around the Europe and USA ever since they released the album last October. You can't miss "Man Must Dance", "There's A Lot Of Things To Do Before You Die" and "Family Values" !!
Man Must Dance
Execution Song
Glory Days To Come
Retro Airlines Bags 航空包包
前兩年流行的包包,讓我不小心也在Amsterdam閒逛的時候買了一個布面 PAN AM 的仿舊品。
Danish Design - Verpan, Vipp

Remember those shell pendant lamps? Those sliding shape chairs?
Those so called fashionable people today love those futurist furniture, are in fact not at peak of fashion but at point of retro.
The famous Danish designer Verner Panton (1926-1998) was the ONE who created those provocative patterns and those never out date objects in our everyday life since 1955.
The extraordinary man we admire had changed and marked our life forever. But from a 70s generation point of view. I can't say I love all the influences from him, but I do love the world he imaged way ahead of everyone. As a child of that time. The colorful geometric patterns on almost every walls, on mother's skirts, on father's shirts are way tooooooooooo much for a pair of little eyes, which I believe that was the main reason of my astigmatic vision defect. : )
Anyhow. Since I was pretty much avoiding those designs the most of my existence, and by the retro minimalist fashion back to our live these years... I sort of picked up the concept a little bit here and there in the spaces I live. And. My resent ballade in Copenhagen the other day, make me inexplicably fall in love with those white Verpan ball pendant lamps.
Of course there is also the Vipp bins. It was in 1939. Holger Nielsen (1914-1992) created this robot look waste bin for his wife's hair salon. Then those all sizes, all colors, stainless steel solid, durable, isolate order waste bins are soon adopted by many dentists and doctors' clinics and by today's interior designers.
The prices for the real good design are never cheap to prossess. But how we explain our obsession of collectible furniture and fascination toward to a simple but maybe the generation transferable waste bin?
Danish fashion - Björkvin hoodies!!
Before I get you into the famous Danish design, here is something sweet for the youth.
The beautiful of everything Copenhagen. There is no difficulty to spot a funky look Björkvin hoody when you haning around at the walking area. As I'm personally very much into the clouds and the sheep, and even I know they're far back of my age range, I just can't resist to get one of those affordable and wearable Danish design as souvenir.
Björkvin was born since 2005 by two young fellows called Rolf and Tue, after a disappointed day and few beer rounds' drunkenness. The classic clouds with lightning or funny sheep, beaver and farm friends or even alien patterns are all over the grey, black, white, blue or pink colors' basic hoodies, short sleeves tees and boxers. The special slim cut without pockets and warm, light weight 80% cotton fabric are comfortable and fashionable enough, for a young smart casual look with scandinavian spirit.
You can find them at illum or Invasion in Copenhagen, in USA, Japan etc. or check the website for more store locations. And for your information. The products are the rare today still "Made in Europe", and much fresher, replica free than BAPE.
Hoody DKK. 599 (80 Euro)
Maximilian Hecker in Copenhagen

17th March 2007. After all these years' wrong timing. I finally get to see a Maximilian Hecker's concert.
My trip back to Europe from NYC was planned. Only again a few days gap with Maximilian's touring schedule. I then decided to take off solo 5 days ahead of my husband, and fly to Copenhagen specially for it.
The Air France's coach seats are ridiculously small. I've got a window seat without window, and my neighbor seat's passenger has had an extreme need to communicate for whatever his psychology issues. I ended up an almost red-eye flight which I slept a whole afternoon to recover my shape. Then the morning flight from Paris to Copenhagen with scholarship atmosphere, which my seat was surrounded by twenty over excited teenage French kids. That again I need another afternoon sleep to recover before my meeting with Maximilian.
Awake fresh from my jet-lag nap. I took a cab to The Loppen, a rock venue at hippy town Christiania. Maximilian was doing sound-check when I arrived. In the dark. He waved to me then politely and nervously exchanged a hand shake with me once he's free of the stage.
Loppen. A very famous venue in Copenhagen, but beside the more or less correct sound man, the space is crappy and badly maintained. The floor plan is completely wrong, the hard wood floor is almost sticky, the restroom is... in pre-history condition. The personals work there are clumsy, a tiny lady in a pair of talent-"aigue" booties echo the whole space loud and sharp whenever she walks across the stage area. An existentialism busboy also loves to walks around with clinking bottles and glasses. Not to mention the drunk and stoned couple talked and laughed loudly while Maximilian sings.
Anyhow. Maximilian's support gig was amazingly great. Many people congrats him for his great performance and beautiful songs while we sat there for Duke Special.
Maximilian in person is really greater than a close-up picture. His face is perfectly neat and his facial features are extremely refine. We as usual spice all our conversation in Philo-Psycho term, but in person, his German accent suddenly make more sense of everything. In the cold wind and drizzling rain, he asked me if I'm disappointed by coming this far for it? I joked. "Yeah. You didn't sing Lady Sleep."
I sometime tell people that I'm not addicted to anything.
When all the kids are addicted in reading Manga and had been forbade by their parents, I luckily had almost all the freedom of it and even started to draw some myself. I used to hate smoke. But for a young Asian girl alone in Frence, school and movie industry, to be able to fit in. I start to smoke. I have had experience of drugs. I smoked, 1 pack per two months to half pack per day. I smoked when I work, when I go out have a cup of coffee or a glass of red with friends. But ever since I had my last cigarette the March 5th. I didn't even feel need of smoke when I spend a whole evening at Christiania the other day.
On the other hand. I can't quit to touch my blanket's silky trim, to touch my husband's or my cats' cold ears, put my hands in my pockets, eat Lobster ceviche in Nobu, Shishito peppers しし唐 and Haribo's Happy-Cola or Frizzy Cola etc.
Is that make me an addict?
Shishito peppers
1. Woks Shishito peppers with some oil
2. add Teriyaki sauce
3. add some sake when peppers start to shrink
4. keep woks till sake vaporized
5. serve Shishito peppers with dried bonito flakes on the top
しし唐辛子。大陸叫 尖椒 。其實就是不辣的青辣椒。做法很多種: 不切或切成段,切片。炒肉沫,脊肉,或小魚乾。
Eat in New York - Sapa
Restaurant: Sapa
Address: 43 West 24th Street, New York, NY 10010. (Chelsea, between 5th. & 6th. Avenues. Subway: R, W, V train 23rd Street)
Tel: (212)929-1800, Fax: (212)929-7070
email, Website (online menu and wine list available)
Week day dinner only. Weekend from 11 am. or 11:30 am. to 10:30 pm. or 11:30 pm.
Rate: 60 USD (not included beverage and service)
Type: French, Vietnamese.
Seat: 70
Owners: Brian Matzkow, Patricia Yeo
Executive Chef: Patricia Yeo
Pastry Chef: Jehangir Mehta
Note: A restaurant, bar and lounge where married perfectly Vietnamese and French cuisines, which go sublimely with Sake and fine wine. Located in Chelsea, a large and high ceiling space. Illuminated by the beautiful candle wall, and back light of the kitchen glass room. The restroom area in the basement is refreshing with zen water feature.
Recommend: Halibut Baked in Banana Leaf, Smoked Swordfish Carpaccio, Rice Paper Wrapped Cod, SAPA Sundae.
Amazing visual and culinary experience from interior decoration to chef's specialists and desserts with surprising character. The Sushi chef stationed like a DJ. and the cocktail bar swim in the Chelsea lounge atmosphere. The restaurant personals are discrete and agreeable.
Noisy sometimes by the lounge music. Un-wellcom reception desk. Chaotic communication with waiters.
Eat in New York - Nobu 57
estaurant: Nobu 57
Address: 40 W. 57th. Street, New York, NY. 10015 (Between 5th. & 6th Avenues. Subway: F train 57th. Street)
Tel: (212)757-3000, Fax: (212)757-6330
Website (online menu available)
Dinner only from 5:45 pm. to 10:15 Pm or 11:15 pm.
Rate: 80 USD (not included beverage, 18% service)
Type: Contemporary Japanese
Seat: 200
Owner: Nobu Matsuhisa, Drew Nieporent, Robert De Niro, Meir Teper, Richie Notar.
Executive Chef: Matt Hoyle
Pastry Chef: Gabriele Riva
Located in mid-twon where all the luxury businesses are. A group of the paparazzi photographers at door, waiting for any well known faces appear. Fortunately, the new and old Nobu dishes are as excellent as always. The duplex style space decorated by Ddavid Rockwell with many Japanese lanterns and hanging abalone shells. The most of waiters are well trained.
Recommend: Shishito Peppers, Lobster Ceviches, Oyster in Filo, Rock Shrimps Tempura with Creamy Spicy Sauce, Washu or kobe beef tataki, Black Cod with Miso, Soft Shell Crab Roll. Hot sake.
It's wonderful to end a long shopping day at the trendy down stair bar, where serve great cocktail, sake and even the delicious signature dishes. The lighting is agreeable for dinning, the waiters are good. Beautiful Shushi bar.
The entrance is ridiculously small. The reservation table guy is badly educated. Credit card needed for guarantee while consuming down stair. Noisy. Tacky salon ceiling. Reservation at least a month advance. No car park service and table won't lease till all guests arrived. The respect and PR are proudly lost here. Annoying paparazzi at door.
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